
Anime Friends 2013

Ok, so in 2010 I said I was back... I was lying. I totally forgot about this blog.... 

So, once again I'll try writing more often. Let's see if I can keep posting this time. It's been almost 3 years since my last post (about nothing) and 4 years since my last post in Japan. So long, huh.. that's kinda sad.

We´re having Anime Friends 10th anniversary here in São Paulo, Brazil. 1st week was AWSOME! We had Tsutsui Takumi (Jiraiya), Kushida Akira, NoB, Ishihara Shinichi e Matzuzawa Yumi with us. Hope to meet then again very soon! Needless to say, I cried at the airport, so sad to see them going. Now I'm planning my trip to Japan, hope I can go at the beginning of next year!

Here's my pic with Tsutsui-san! 


Yes, I know, I look awful. Don't mind me..

Not Rice (ライス) but Laís (ライース) (笑)
